Our People

The Sapir center Team

חגית הכהן וולף

Dr. Hagit Hacohen Wolf – CEO

Dr. Hacohen Wolf is a social-organizational psychologist and holds academic degrees in psychology, contemporary Jewish studies, and education.

For the last three decades, Dr. Hacohen Wolf has engaged in research, evaluation, academic teaching, and management and consultancy in fields of social/collective identity, Jewish identity and Jewish renewal in Israel and abroad, Jewish education, spirituality and religion, intercultural and interfaith encounters, leadership development, immigrant absorption, development and training of managers and workers, and community development.

נעה פלר

Noa Feller – Projects Coordinator

Noa is an organizational consultant and a psychotherapist. 

She has extensive experience in managing organizations and projects in the nonprofit sector and in advising local authorities and educational and social organizations.
Among others, she has managed the Association for Spiritual Care in Israel and the Reut Association for Pluralistic Education.
Noa has a master’s degree in climate and environmental studies from Tel Aviv University and works as a private therapist.

חגית ב

Hagit Bartuv – CDO

Hagit has been working for many years in the field of Israeli Judaism, as programs director, facilitator, and a writer.

Among others, Hagit founded and directed the ‘Midreshet’ website of Israeli Batei Midrash, directed programs for youth, women, Russian speakers, Jews in the Diaspora, and various community programs. Hagit participated as a writer in the ‘929’ project and holds a master’s degree from the Institute of Contemporary Judaism at Hebrew University.

אושרת שפירא רינגל

Oshrat Shapiro Ringel – Administrative manager

Oshrat holds a bachelor’s degree in social science and a master’s degree in Jewish studies and educational management.

She worked for many years as a projects’ coordinator at the Center for Ethics in Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem.
Oshrat works today as a civics teacher at a high school for at-risk youth and, simultaneously, as an administrative manager at the Sapir Center.


Danny Nisani – Logistics

Danny has worked at the Sapir Center since 1997.

אייקון חגים

Board of Directors

מר וייס2

Yosef Weiss – Chairman

Yosef Weiss is the founder of ‘Olami’ Travel, the Chairperson of the Israel Association of Travel Agencies, and the Honorary Consul of Hungary in Israel.

צבי פיין

Dr. Zvi Feine

Dr. Zvi Feine served as deputy director of JDC Israel for thirty years where he initiated services and meaningful partnerships to develop personnel in the fields of welfare, education, and health services, and to work in the community, with the elderly, at-risk youth, and others.

He was also responsible for welfare, health, Jewish education, and leadership development programs in Jewish communities in Europe and North Africa and lectured in social work at Hebrew University.

דוד רוזן

Rabbi David Rosen

Rabbi David Rosen is the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland and currently the American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) International Director of Interreligious Affairs.

Rabbi Rosen is a member of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interreligious Relations and serves on the board of directors of the KAICIID

interfaith organization established by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. President of ‘Religions for Peace’, he serves in honorary roles in many other interfaith organizations, and has received numerous awards and decorations for his endeavors in the field of interfaith relations, including two knighthoods from the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II.

אסתי קר

Esti Kirmaier Bekele

Esti holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and education and a master’s degree in law.

She has 20 years’ experience in management roles in the public and non-profit sectors and is a social activist at heart.
“Do not withhold good from one who deserves it when you have the power to do so” (Proverbs 3:27).

יוספה דרשר

Yosefa Drescher

Yosefa is the founder and director of the ‘Masa Chai’ NGO for the promotion of Judaism, Community and Tolerance in Israel.

She holds a master’s degree in business management and graduated with a diploma in Beit Midrash moderation and CBT in Nature.
She worked previously as a photojournalist in Israel and the US.

Shmuel Berkowitz

Shmuel Berkowitz

Shmuel Berkowitz has served in various management roles in the Be’er Tuvia Regional Council where he lives, and as director of finances of the Moshavim Movement.

Shmuel was one of the founders of the Achva Academic College and served for many years as chairperson of the college’s board of directors.

He also served as chairperson of the ‘Nir Shitufi’ Agriculture Workers Union and as chairperson of CAL Cargo

Moshe Saville

Moshe Saville

Moshe Saville is the Deputy Director of the ADI network that provides care for disabled people.

Previously he served as the acting Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council. Moshe is married and has five children.

ערן דאום

Rabbi Eran Daum

Rabbi Eran Daum is the rabbi of the Shimshoni community in Modi’in, a doctoral student in education at Hebrew University, and a Lieutenant Colonel in the IDF reserves.

He lectures in education and Jewish studies at numerous colleges and seminaries and furthers the professional development of high school teachers.