Mapping the Potential of Open Jewish-Israeli Communities

Mapping the Potential of Open Jewish-Israeli Communities

Mapping Editor

Regev Ben David, December 2020

The collaboration between the Sapir Center, ‘HaMidrasha at Oranim‘, and the Honey Foundation has facilitated a comprehensive process that mapped the spheres in Israeli society possessing potential for open Jewish-Israeli communities. This process was aimed both at identifying existing communities and locating potential for developing such communities in the future.

As part of the mapping process, seven community-related pillars were identified that characterize existing Jewish-Israeli communities and help to identify other communities’ potential to become Jewish-Israeli communities:

  1. Small towns
  2. Community centers
  3. Schools
  4. Civil society organizations
  5. Religious communities
  6. Neighborhood initiatives
  7. Entrepreneurial figures and leaders

The report’s chapters detail the characteristics of each of these pillars alongside indicators pointing to the feasibility of growth of a Jewish-Israeli community, present a current snapshot of this area, and suggest recommendations for measures that will lead to the cultivation of open Jewish-Israeli communities.

The mapping process also proposes work models for the development of open Jewish-Israeli communities. Furthermore, as far as we know, for the first time, a table and map are presented which enable to survey existing related platforms from various fields in each location.

The document’s summary presents several conclusions arising from the comprehensive survey. The entire mapping process is intended to serve decisionmakers and organizations active in this field in their efforts to promote Jewish-Israeli communities.

To the Mapping Report (Hebrew version )

Launching the Mapping Process Results